الـقـسـم الإنـجـليـزي : Rest During Workout


Rest During Workout
By.Shady Eid

Many if you probably wondered, what is the ideal time for rest between sets? 30 seconds, one minute, two min, 5 min?
And you probably get different answers, which made you even more confused.
In this article; I will simplify it and make it clear for you.

So how long should one rest between sets?
The answer is simply: It all depend on your goal.

Rest for strength

Strength training requires lifting heavy weights for small range of reps (1-6 reps), it uses fast twitch fibers that tire easily. The energy used in this type of training are depends on ATP-PC system (Adenosine Triphosphate Phosphocreatine system) for energy, being performed in a very short period of time (less than 30 seconds), the ATP-PC system uses phosphagen to produce this energy, and it doesn’t require any Oxygen to do so, studies have shown that it takes 3-5 for your body to replenish the lost phosphagen.

This means a long rest between workout is needed if you plan to increase your strength, 3 min would be ideal most of the time, 5 min may be too long, and may result in muscles cooling down a little bit which may cause injuries. One may find this as an excuse and start socializing in the gym, and chatting with this and that, this is wrong, because you will lose your workout intensity and focus; the best thing is to sit and focus your mind and body on the next set in hand.

As a bodybuilder, you may need this kind of rest on final sets or one trying new weights, doing so every set will only waste your time and lessen your results, as this is not the best type for muscle growing.

Rest for Endurance

Endurance training uses light- moderate weight or resistance for reps above 15 and for a long period of time, it depends mostly on slow twitch fibers. The body uses mostly aerobic system to produce energy, the body burns protein, carbs and fats with the presence of oxygen.

For this type of training, a period of 45 seconds to 2 minutes is ideal.
This type of rest boosts up the metabolism and helps the one lose weight, that’s why cardio training is one of the best methods for fat loss.
For bodybuilders, one can use this type of rest, in period like pre contest,  to shock the body (ex.super sets) or from time to time to boost the body ability to clear lactic acid, and make it more resistance to fatigue as studies shows.


Rest for muscles building

Muscles growth (hypertrophy) is what bodybuilders seek, for this type of training, the person use both fast and slow twitch fibers, but focusing more on fast twitch, as it requires moderate to heavy weight or resistance for a range of 6-12 reps.
This type of training uses ATP-PC and Glycolytic system (anaerobic lactic system).

During the first reps the body uses ATP-PC, then switch to the lactic system for the energy till the muscle fatigue, and lactate acid builds up, which also helps with muscle hypertrophy.
This all means that for this type of training you shouldn’t rest that long like strength one, and not as short as endurance. It’s kind of a period in between with the range of 1-3 min.
short rest between sets 1-2min, also have a great effect on releasing more anabolic hormones and muscles pumps during the workout than longer one, which means more growth.

This table shows the summery of rest between sets:

Training Type  Required Rest
Strength  3-5 minutes
Endurance 45 seconds - 2 minutes
Muscle building 1-2 minutes



after reading this, you would know there isn’t an exact period of time to use, as bodybuilders we focus more on the 1-2 minutes period, being the best for muscles building, but we also want to increase the strength and endurance, so at points we will be using as low as 45 seconds and as high as 5 min.

Remember an experienced bodybuilder never really check his watch, use your feeling to know the right period of time, for the first set may be 1 min, 2nd one 2 minutes and 3rd 5 minutes. Just go on when you are focused and ready to the next set at hand, listen to your body and you won’t have a problem.

For non experienced bodybuilders, stick with the watch for sometimes, you have to learn how to listen first, and then use the feeling method, chatting with your friends for between sets and socializing with everyone is not really resting.

Good luck

Shady Eid is a certified Personal Trainer, writer and competitive bodybuilder based in UAE, for questions and comments you can contact him at: Shady@arabianmuscles.com


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