الـقـسـم الإنـجـليـزي : Abu Dhabi Golden Night of Champions Results 2012


Abu Dhabi Golden Night of Champions Results 2012
Amid the crowds of more than 1000 spectator of different nationalities, at the national Abu Dhabi theater, With more than 70 participants from 18 different countries, organized by Rabdan company with prices reaching over 310 Dirham,the first Abu Dhabi golden night championship was held. 

And the results were as follows:

Weight : +85kg 
1st place - Mohamed Salama
2ed place - Qasem Lith
3rd place - Hamid Reda
4th place - Mustafa Abdel-Aziz
5th place - Osama Ayoub
6th place - Mehdi Askar
7th place - Ahmed Mohammed
8th place - Muhammad Bin Redha
9th place - Murtada Hussain
10th place - Talal Ali Alkabore

Weight: -85kg 
1st place - Jay Catli
2ed place - Abbas Ali
3rd place - Roman Cortuna
4th place - Gerald Pangan
5th place - Hussein Reda
6th place - Mohamed Juma Ismail
7th place - Omar Khaldi
8th place - Said Yasser Qattali
9th place - Zuhair Kamel
10th place - Suleiman Al-Shehhi

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